SEO Tool

Get found in search

Starting from $5.99 / month *
Phone showing website ranking high in search results with seo search engine optimization.

Optimize your
website ranking.

Improve your website’s SEO (search engine optimization) with personalized keyword suggestions and phrases. Our wizard makes it easy.

Man using SEO keyword planner to optimize his search engine ranking.

Track your rankings.

Keep a record of how your website’s Google rank improves for different keywords over time.

Man tracking his search engine rankings with an SEO report.

Highlight your business.

Display your business’s most requested information in Google’s My Business sidebar via our integrated wizard.

Woman using SEO to highlight her business in search engines.

Follow these steps to improve your SEO optimization.

Our integrated SEO Tool walks you through four easy steps to rank your website higher.

SEO tool
We thoroughly evaluate your website with our keyword research tool and pinpoint changes that will optimize it for search engines.
SEO tool
We go through each recommendation one at a time, letting you pick which changes you want to make to improve your rankings.
SEO tool
Your website is updated to reflect those changes, then published to the web.
SEO tool
You can then track your rankings in real time with our seo checker
to see which changes brought the most results.

We’re here to help.

Our support is the best in the industry. C-DR won’t waste your time with endless email conversations or inferior offshore support. Call our US-based Guides anytime to help you with purchasing advice or technical support.


How does it work?

By analyzing data about your specific industry and which keywords perform best, our SEO Tool analyzes which keywords/phrases can be added or improved upon to raise your ranks and bring you more traffic.

What can I see with your tracking tool?

Our tracking tool constantly monitors your position in the top search engines and shows the results right on your dashboard. This easily-digestible information can be used to compare yourself against your competitors, even measuring specific keywords and phrases.

What skills do I need?

If you can read and write, you can use our SEO Tool with absolutely no prior knowledge. Because it gives you the recommendations, all you have to do is click on “make changes”.

Is SEO the same as SEM (Search Engine Marketing)?

No. SEO is focused on modifying your website and links to your site to increase its ranking in “organic” (i.e. unpaid) search results, while SEM includes paid advertising on search engines.

SEO doesn’t require advertising fees, and it lets you remain on top for as long as you stay relevant. Generally it’s much cheaper than SEM.

I have a question that wasn’t covered here. Where can I find an answer?

Just call us at (480) 624-2500 and we’ll answer any questions you may have, 24/7.

Outrank and Outsell the Competition

More than 81% of online purchases start through a search engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo!, etc.). If your business isn’t seen in these search results, the fact is you’re losing customers.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of making sure every aspect of your site is geared toward one thing: raising your search engine rank so customers see your website before they see your competitor’s.

SEO and your customers. It’s all about trust.

A customer only buys from a business they trust. Without it, there’s no purchase. And the evidence is clear: people trust high-ranking results on search engines like Google. In fact, only .78% of people click links from the second page of Google. Less than 1%!

Why? People trust Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc., to give them the best information up front. People assume the very best information is at the top of the search rankings, so they trust it and ignore the rest. That’s why Search Engine Optimization is downright necessary when it comes to increasing site visitors and sales.

Our SEO service analyzes your website and gives you easy, step-by-step instructions on how to increase your rankings. But that’s not even the best part.The same keywords and phrases that boost rankings are often the same ones that convert visitors into customers. So, not only are you increasing the volume of visitors to your site, you’re also increasing conversions.

The end result? An investment that pays dividends in growth and sales.

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