Domain Name Search
Begin your domain name search.
Consistently low prices.
Register your domains with C-DR to receive low, transparent pricing.
Hundreds of
Choose from hundreds of new domain extensions, including .us, .co, .net, .org, .info, .club, .shop, .xyz, .club, .online, and more. See all domain extensions on our TLD List page.
Tons of free features.
Your contact info remains hidden with our free Basic Privacy Protection. Forward your domain to any existing webpage. Assign your domain to another account. Auto renew keeps your domains in your control.
Have a domain in mind? See if it’s available:
Need bulk registration or want to transfer domains?
Is the domain you want already registered?
If you think the current owner may let their domain expire, we will attempt to register it for you before someone else does. If you don’t get the name, you don’t lose — just re-assign your backorder to another name. Backorders include .COM, .CO, .INFO, .ORG, .NET, .ME, .MOBI, .US or .BIZ.
We’re here to help.
Our support is the best in the industry. C-DR won’t waste your time with endless email conversations or inferior offshore support. Call our US-based Guides anytime to help you with purchasing advice or technical support.
What if the domain I want is already taken?
Even though there’s a nearly unlimited amount of domains available, great minds do think alike. Your domain name search may reveal the one you want has already been taken.
If this happens, try to think of how you can modify the domain so it remains easy to remember. Adding your city to the name might be the answer, or even modifying a keyword. Do a domain search with similar keywords to see if it sparks an idea.
Can I change a domain name once I pick it?
Yes, but it’s a little complicated. Essentially, once a domain is purchased, you can’t just change the name. You would have to delete the original domain and then purchase a new one. However, if you change your mind within 5 days, we’ll give you a full refund which you can then use to purchase a new domain.
What's the difference between .com, .org, etc?
These are called Top Level Domains (TLDs), suffixes, or extensions. (The terms can be used interchangeably). There are two main differences from an owner’s perspective: price and name recognition, with name recognition being the more important of the two.
Most paid TLDs are reliable enough to use for any size site. The choice comes down to what you think will resonate most with your visitors. Keep in mind that country code TLDs, such as .de, may be a good choice to denote a regional business.
For more in-depth advice check out our Domain Name Buyer’s Guide, and for a comprehensive list of the most popular TLDs, check out our TLD list.
How can I keep my information private in the WHOIS database?
Owners must enter personal information when registering a domain name. This information must be hidden by default in most jurisdictions. Our registrar hides that information for you by default. You can opt to display this information in WHOIS lookups, via a setting in your Domain Manager, if you so choose. The organizations that manage your domains for you, i.e. the registrar, registry, and ICANN, can see your information.
I have a domain name… now what?
Congrats on registering your domain name! Next, you’ll want to check out our Website Builder to start building your website. After that, you may want to get an SSL Certificate to protect your website from malware, viruses, and hackers.
Do you offer refunds? What’s your refund policy?
Yes. If you have a change of heart, we offer a full refund up to 5 days after your purchase for domains. Check out our full Refund Policy for our other services.
Do other domain registrars really price gouge?
Unfortunately, there are many big name registrars that are less than scrupulous. The best way to see if you’re dealing with an ethical company is by checking their renewal prices.
Upping the price a small amount is common practice, but many registrars drastically increase the price (sometimes increasing the price by multiple times what you originally paid). What’s worse, they do this with auto-renewal, so many people don’t even realize they’re suddenly paying much more.
I have a question that wasn’t covered here. Where can I find an answer?
Check out our 101 Tutorials (which you can find in our top menu or footer links) or our searchable knowledge base, or call us at (480) 624-2500 — we’ll answer any questions you may have, 24/7.
Domain name buyer’s guide.
Purchasing a domain for the first time can be a confusing process. You might not know how to
pick the best domain name for your business, blog, affiliate website, or investment.
Then, once you do, it’s hard to figure out which features you’ll want, as well as how to protect your privacy. Don’t worry, our Buyer’s Guide has everything you need to know about registering your domain name, like how to (choose the right one, which top level domain to choose, and which included features might be best for you).
Finding the Right Domain Name
Not all domain names are created equally. Depending on what your website is for, there are different tricks to naming it that can increase traffic.
Here are some tips if you’re creating a domain for…
A Brick and Mortar Business:
When searching for your domain, choose one that’s easy to spell and (just as importantly) easy to pronounce. This makes it easy to remember, and ensures the highest possible traffic.
You’ll also want to avoid using numbers and symbols, as they can get easily misinterpreted, especially when trying to verbally communicate the website to someone. This goes for abbreviations, too.
If you’re creating a domain for a local business, consider making it location-specific. If you own a car wash in Minnesota, for example, you could go with “” This is easy to communicate verbally, which makes it easy to remember. Additionally, this can help you rank higher on Google searches in the area.
You can even get creative with your domain’s suffix. (The suffix is the “.com,” “.org,” etc.) If you own a restaurant, you might decide to use “.eat” as your suffix. The key is to keep it short and easy to remember. However, while suffixes are fun to play around with, people are more familiar with “.com,” and they often feel it’s more professional.
Once you’ve got the perfect name, it’s time to register that domain!
A Web-Based Business:
If you’re starting a blog or online business (like an affiliate website), the same general rules apply: search available domains for something memorable and easy to say and type, and avoid using symbols and numbers.
And, just like with a local business, it’s a good idea to use heavily-searched keywords in your domain name. For example, if you blog about the world’s craziest haircuts, you might choose “”
You can use your domain’s suffix to register for another keyword. To continue with the haircut theme, you might decide on “” You’re only limited by your own creativity.
A valuable use of your time is to search various social media platforms to see if your desired name is available on all of them. Getting the same name for all your social media makes it that much easier to build your brand.
Once you’ve got the perfect name, it’s time to register that domain!
Investing in domain names can bring a great ROI. Don’t believe it? Just ask the man who bought for $12 in 2015.
But you don’t have to catch a billion-dollar company’s mistake in order to make money purchasing domains. Here are just a few ways you can make it well worth the investment.
Check Expired Domains
Each month, millions of domains expire due to neglect or disinterest. is a good resource for this. for finding them. Additionally, you can use WHOIS to search out domain names you personally like, find out when they expire, and act fast when they do.
Make an Offer
Use WHOIS to look up domains you personally think are catchy or worth investing in. If they’re already owned, you can make an offer to the site owner for purchase, with the intent to sell at a profit down the line.
Register in Bulk
This can be a very economical way of investing. Essentially, you create a list of available domains you’d like to own, then buy them in bulk in multiple variations. (Example:,, and, with multiple TLDs like .net, .org, etc.)
Buy at Auction
Get your blood pumping with a good ol’ fashioned auction.
Stumped on Choosing a Domain Name?
Just input relevant keywords into the domain name search to search available domains and see available recommendations similar to your desired domain name.
Even if you don’t use the recommendations, they’re usually enough to spark a new idea and get the ball rolling again.
Choosing the Right Top Level Domain (.com, .net, etc.)
What is a TLD?
A Top Level Domain is simply the last part of the domain name. Also known as the suffix or domain extension, it’s the “.com,” “.org,” etc., that comes at the end.
There are two main differences from an owner’s perspective: price and name recognition, with name recognition being the more important of the two.
Prices for most TLDs range from $10 per year, for cheaper TLDs, such as .com and .us, to around $30 or $50 per year for .online and .store. For most businesses with less than twenty domains, this yearly price difference will not make much of a difference.
Name recognition, on the other hand, is a larger consideration. It encompasses several aspects for visitors, such as reliability and business location.
When they were originally created, a website couldn’t use certain extensions if it didn’t qualify for them. For example, a for-profit company could not use “.org.” But this has become much more lenient over the years, and limitations have become fewer and fewer.
There are, however, still some limitations. For example, “.gov” can only be used by government agencies, “.edu” can only be used by educational institutions, and “.us” is only available to U.S. citizens and organizations with a presence in the U.S.
TLDs can be a great way to make your website stick in people’s minds, if used correctly. However, this is often easier said than done.
The key to choosing a great custom TLD is similar to choosing a great overall domain name: it should be short, interesting, and easy to remember.
That’s why “.eat” works better than “.restaurant.” It’s quick, punchy, and memorable.
Check out our comprehensive list of TLDs to view your options and inspire creativity.
Important Included Features
Not all domain registrars provide the same features. Here are some important features you might want to make sure are included with your domain registration. (Note: All of these features are standard with a domain at C-DR.)
Domain Forwarding and Masking
Direct any domain name you own to your website. Anyone who types that domain name into their browser is taken directly to your website. (For example, you can buy the domain “” and have it link to your personal blog.)
This is a great way to take advantage of keyword searches in search engines and drive traffic to your site.
Domain Locking
Prevent accidental or intentional transfers of domain ownership and stop people from redirecting your nameservers. Basically, this makes sure your domain remains under your control.
Total DNS Control
Manage your domain name system (DNS) records and set your email, FTP (file transfer protocol), sub-domains, and website location all from one control panel. Essentially, it’s a one-stop shop for configuring your domain’s behind-the-scenes activity.
Change of Registration
Assign your domain name to someone else or change the contacts for your domain online, anytime.
Status Alerts
Monitor the status of your domain and get instant alerts if there’s been a change.
Auto Renew Protection
Ensure expiration dates don’t sneak up on you by renewing your domain registration automatically.
Privacy Options
Most of the domains you buy from C-DR include free Privacy Protection forever. This protects your personal details with anonymized information in the Public WHOIS directory and prevents spam with a private email address for domain inquiries. Due to registry restrictions, some domains are not eligible for privacy protection. Please see the Domain Name Proxy Agreement for details.
We also have two other, more powerful, protection options, which you can choose when you checkout:
Full Domain Protection
Prevents hackers from stealing your domain or making any other unauthorized changes.
Requires your approval via 2-factor verification for vital changes like deleting or transferring a domain.
Ultimate Domain Protection
Everything in Full Domain Protection, plus:
Hold on to your domain name for an extra 90 days if your credit card or your billing method expires.